Open Face Radish Sandwich Recipe

Open Face Radish Sandwich Recipe

What's better than a recipe that is delicious, healthy AND EASY to create?

This Open Face Radish Sandwich Recipe is super FRESH, requires little time and is a great appetizer or meal for lunch. 

Here are the ingredients you will need:

  • Several diced radishes

  • 1 Small diced white (or red) onion

  • 1 Medium diced cucumber

  • Fresh dill (to taste)

  • 1 Mashed up avocado

  • French or sourdough baguette sliced


If you'd like to have a bit more flavor try adding these seasonings to your mashed avocado!

Also, try toasting your bread for an added crunch!

Radishes are crispy and tend to be slightly spicy. The fun part is that they come in a variety of colors and add beauty to any dish!

What are your favorite ways to enjoy radishes?




1. Mix all diced produce (cucumbers, radishes, white onion, and dill) in a large bowl.

If you can find a storage container to mix it in then thats even better since you can just pop a top on it and place it in the refrigerator.

2. Spread mashed up avocado onto sliced bread.

If you've seen my IGTV video on How to Bloat Less or read my blog post, Consistency & Balance: Top Tip for Healthy Eating then you know that I usually don't eat bread, but thats exactly why this is an open face sandwich.  

Want to be a bit more healthy? Use 100% whole wheat bread instead of white.

3. Use a spoon to scoop and firmly press produce mixture onto the sliced bread that has been lined with mashed avocado. 

That's it! 


Serve and enjoy!


Want more radish or raw produce recipes?

I'm always looking for new and easy ways to enjoy produce. Cooking is great, but it's so much easier and healthier when ingredients are raw!

Did you try this recipe or want to?

Let me know what you think!