Well with Brielle

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Celery Juice: 30 Day Juicing Experience

Celery Juice: 30 Day Juicing Experience

Wow! Can you believe that I’ve been drinking celery juice consistently EVERY single day for 30 days?!

Every day on my Instagram stories I’ve been sharing my celery juice drinking experience and counting down to 30 days of drinking it consecutively. Each day I’ve drank my celery juice per the Medical Medium’s guidelines. It’s been really exciting, but also required a lot of planning ahead.

Have you heard of celery juicing?

Drinking celery juice has been quite popular lately. Well with Brielle doesn’t usually give health trends so much consideration, but it was already clear that celery is packed with nutrients so the celery juice claims seemed plausible.

The trend suggests that you drink at least 16 oz. of celery juice first thing in the morning WITH NOTHING else in the juice. There are also a few other guidelines for celery juicing.

Here’s a quick how to guide for celery juicing. Again, you don’t have to celery juice to get the nutrients, but it is a different experience. Curious about the benefits of celery? Read more here about the benefits of eating or drinking celery.

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Wondering why we are only talking about celery juicing if eating celery is healthy too?

While eating celery is quite nutritious, juicing makes it a real #gamechanger. When you juice a fruit or vegetable it changes what nutrients you receive because the entire produce is not used. With celery juice there are a number of things you 'must do’ in order to truly experience the benefits of juicing it rather than eating/drinking it with the skin. If you’re not familiar with celery juicing and want to know how to get started with your celery juice then check out this blog post, ‘7 Reasons to Celery Juice and How To Get Started Celery Juicing Right Now‘.

Regardless of how you choose to consume your fruits and vegetables, please remember it’s always good to get them however you can! Whether you’re eating, juicing or making a smoothie, you can benefit from the nutrients.

Ready to hear about my experience celery juicing for 30 days consecutively?

Let’s start with the fact that a lot of people complain about the taste of celery juice, but I enjoyed it! I believe celery juice has a nice taste and the best part is that within minutes of drinking celery juice I’d instantly feel an amazing boost of energy!

What I enjoyed about Celery Juicing:

✔️quick all natural energy boost

✔️ supported my bloat-less eating habits

✔️tastes good (to me!)

✔️is hydrating (lots of electrolytes)

✔️great for detox 

While I really enjoyed my celery juicing experience, it wasn’t all peaches and roses! I’ve joked a few times on my Instagram that I have become a ‘Certified Celery Snob’ (yes, I made that up) and here’s why, babes:

Some of the cons/downsides of celery juicing include:

✔️has to be done on an empty belly

If you’re someone that enjoys a nice breakfast in the AM then this could be challenging.

✔️requires an entire bunch of celery

You need to get at least 16 oz of pure celery juice. Celery is pretty cheap, but the process gets hard if some stalks are in poor condition.

✔️ plan to visit the grocery store a few times a week

During this process, I would visit the grocery store and buy celery every 2-3 days. 3 days was usually pushing it! I found that celery doesn’t last long once you bring it home and remove the plastic bag that it typically comes in. I’m not sure if keeping the celery in the grocery store plastic that it comes in is truly beneficial to preserving the celery, but I definitely noticed a pattern. When I would remove the plastic my celery would quickly start to wilt by the very next day. In contrast, celery left in it’s plastic bag lasted for days longer.

✔️ using a Juice Machine is most ideal, but still some work

Your celery juice can NOT have any skin or else it’s not going to work the same. You can use a blender and then strain out the skin via cheesecloth, but it’s an extra step that I personally would prefer to avoid.

In terms of cleaning the juicer, that was pretty easy. I’d recommend that you rinse the juice machine right after you’re done using it. Ideally, you want to drink the celery juice once it is freshly made each day.I would then clean the machine later that day before bed. Figure out what routine works best for you, but remember you will need this machine to be clean each morning before you eat. Do you really want to wash it then? Probably not.

Are you busy in the morning? Short on time?

It’s ideal to make the celery juice fresh each time, but making it the day/night before and placing it in the refrigerator is an option too. So far, I have not tried to make my celery juice the day/night before, but I have had busy mornings where I’ve made the juice a few hours before heading out the door.

Are you thinking about celery juicing? Do you have more questions?

Let me know!

Here are some more wellness resources about healthy eating:

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Let’s chat on Instagram, babes! Follow me @WellwithBrielle

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