Well with Brielle

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Top Tips to Improve Your Physical Wellness

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This blog post includes tips and ideas to help you improve your physical wellness, including ways to enhance your appearance.

What are your favorite ways to enhance your physical wellness? 

Press play on this video or keep reading for tips on how to improve your physical wellness and enhance your appearance.

Top Tips to Improve Your Physical Wellness & Enhance Your Appearance

Here are ways to improve your physical wellness and enhance your appearance:

Invest in Your Hair Care

Your hair can really enhance your appearance and make you look amazing, but it’s so important that your hair is healthy.

There are multiple ways to improve your haircare and the health of your hair. 

Healthy hair is the best hair.

You can have short hair that is healthy and gorgeous or long hair that is healthy and gorgeous, but it’s important that your hair is healthy. No matter how long or short or beautiful your hair is, if it is not healthy then you will have bigger problems down the road. Trust me, those problems will catch up with you. 

Also, having healthy hair is important because it can be a reflection of your healthy habits.

Eating healthy, working out, and drinking lots of water can contribute to the health of your hair.

Take the time to care for your hair and nourish it or hire a hairstylist to help you. 

Tips for choosing a hairstylist:

Choose someone that you feel comfortable with, enjoy the results of your hair when you leave, and someone who provides services that are within your budget.

You will likely want to go to this person regularly so it’s important that forming a relationship with them is budget-friendly and results in a gorgeous, healthy hairstyle.

You can also do your own hair.

I did this for many years, especially after going natural.

Everyone’s hair is different and may require different types of products or processes of care. Research healthy methods to care for your hair.

The hair journey of discovering what works for you can be fun and so rewarding!

Feel good, look good. Look good, feel good.

Eat Healthy (Plant-Based)

When I mention eating healthy, I truly mean eating plant-based. Plant-based means mostly consuming foods that come from the ground like nuts, seeds, vegetables, fruits, and little to no animal products (dairy, meats, etc.). Instead it priorities mostly plant-based foods.

I love this because you can be vegan and eat very unhealthy. Eating healthy or plant-based does not have to mean that you do not eat animal products.

You can be healthy and eat animal products. You can be unhealthy and not eat animal products. A great example is that oreos are vegan. Oreos are not healthy. 

Staying physically fit goes hand in hand with eating well. Identify what your ‘best looking self’ looks like and aim to maintain that healthy image. Once you’ve achieved that it will be easy to stay on track or know what it takes to get back on track. In the video, I talked about how I personally want to maintain a flat stomach, although I’m not interested in developing abs. Knowing what my goals are motivates me to maintain healthy eating habits and stay phsyically fit.

The more that you practice these healthy habits, the more easier or routine they will become. If you find that it’s difficult to practice them or hard to develop a routine that feels good, then reevaluate the activities, foods or haircare that you’ve chosen. I do believe there is a variety of healthy activities and foods so that everyone can find what they enjoy. Well with Brielle is all about taking what you need and really creating a lifestyle you love. 

Stay Physically Active

You want to make sure you’re getting regular physical activity. My tip is to find activities that you enjoy doing so it doesn’t feel like a workout. 

It’s recommended that you get at least 150 minutes of physical activity each week. 10 minutes at a time is the minimum amount of physical activity needed at a time. This is perfect if you’re trying to get into working out or explore which physical activities you prefer. It doesn’t feel as intimidating and I find that usually I can do more than 10 minutes once I’ve gotten started.

Some days when I don’t feel like working out, I’ll do a 10 minute workout. If the next day feels the same I’ll push myself just  a little by putting on a workout that’s more than 10 minutes, but only expect to do 10 minutes. It’s comforting to know I’ll be proud of myself and satisfied with completing 10 minutes. Also,  after 10 minutes it’s not uncommon for me to naturally want ot keep going or not evne knotice that 10 minutes has gone by. 

Why is this so important in terms of our physical health and wellness? Historically the leading causes of death in America have been conditions that could be prevented by living a healthy, balance lifestyle. So healthy behaviors like working out regularly, eating plant-based foods to get a variety of nutrients, engaging in self cae activities to reduce stress can help you stay strong and healthy. This means that before you need medication, need to go to the doctors or feel discomfort, you can practice healthy behaviors to prevent getting to that point. 

Keep Your Nails Looking Nice

You can also keep your nails done. It’s always a nice touch to have manicured, polished nails. If you do not want to polish your nails, then keep them clean and well maintained. This includes lotioning them so they are well moisturzed. 

Feel good, look good. Look good, feel good.

We’ve all had days where we dont look our best, but we feel so happy and amazing. We’ve also had days where we look gorgeous and maybe only feel okay. In both cases youve probably had people notice you and naturally be attracted to your energy, so imagine if you had both.

Feel good, look good. Look good, feel good. Practice healthy habits that improve your physical health and support you looking your best too.

Develop Your Skincare Routine

I love when I see women and men with gorgeous, clear skin. It’s also such a great way to wind down and pour into your self care. It’s an act of self love!

Practicing a regular skincare routine can be so relaxing and rewarding in terms of your appearance.

I also believe that having healthy skin can be an indicator of your health internally too. Some people find that once they eat healthy (usually reducing/eliminating sugar, etc.), workout regularly, drink lots of water, and maintain normal stress levels, their skin does well. They still use healthy skincare products that work well for their skin, but they know the support of practicing other healthy habits is also important. 

Since my birthday in March, I have finally started to practice a skincare routine and I’m so in love with the process. I look forward to it each day because it’s so relaxing, feels good, and my face is noticeably better after. My current routine is somewhat basic, but the products are pretty next level so I’ve linked them here:

Herbivore Pink Cloud Cleanser 

Foreo Facial Massager

Do Your Make Up

I personally don’t wear makeup often, but I definitely thinks it looks amazing when properly. Even if you’re not into doing makeup, you can develop a beautiful everyday look or look that you’ve perfected for special occasions. I greatly admire and appreciate the girls that are able to not only slay with their makeup, but also have glass skin/ clear, beautiful skin. It’s the balance and dedication for me!

Give Yourself a Full Body Self Care Day

Self care is a good way to reduce your stress. As mentioned before, stress can contribute to your overall health. Maintain a healthy body and mind by reducing your stress with relaxing activties that feel good.

Here are some ideas that come to mind when I think about this:

Book a spa appointment. 

Get a full body scrub, facial or professional massage. There are also so many other activities you can book at the spa. Explore the menu and discover your favorite! 

This is also a great activity to do as a couple, a solo date (dating yourself), or with your girlfriends. 

You can do a lot of these activities yourself, but having someone else do it may save you time and even be more effective depending on your personal skill level. 

Here are some options to do it yourself:

Portable sauna

Nice long bath with bath tray

Full body scrub

Massages at a spa or with this handheld wand. The wand is so amazing! Use it on yourself or hav a friend, sibling, parner or whoever

Maintain Your Body Hair (If You Want)

Waxing, laser hair removal or shaving are some ways to maintain your body hair. Personally I think waxing laser hair removal are preferred ways to remove hair while avoiding ingrown hairs or other issues. I get waxed year round because I love looking and feeling beautiful. After each wax, my skin is so smooth and glowing. I have not tried laser hair removal, but I defnitely want to. Both waxing and laser hair removal costs hundreds of dollars to maintain. 

The waxing center I go to has centers around the US which is one of the many reasons I love it. I also love them because they specialize specifically in waxes. 

Want to get your first wax free? Check out this page for discount codes. 

In terms of shaving, I try to avoid it, although I know some are saying shaving some areas is actually ideal. I’m not a dermatologist, and am not sure, but I know shaving for me has not worked out. I would be curious to try some of the recent innovations created for female shaving, especially facial shaving (lol). I’ll of course share if I do :) 

My goal is to eventually transition to laser hair removal since I understand that the results can be more long lasting an dpermenant than shaving or waxing. 

What do you prefer? 

Drink Lots of Water

Along with eating lots of plant-based foods, you want to drink lots of water. 

Some physical health benefits of drinking lots of water include healthy skin, nails, and hair. Drinking lots of water also supports healthy organs and help your body get rid of toxins. 

I personally also love to drink lots of water because I experience more energy throughout the day when I do.

The recommended amount of water that we should be getting via drinking water and eating foods is:

Women: 91 ounces of water each day

Men: 125 ounces of water each day 

This recommendation is a good rule of thumb. You may need more water if you’re physically active. 

To help me reach the recommended amount of water each day, I love to use this cute gallon water bottle that I got from Amazon. 

It’s perfect because it includes measurement markers and motivational reminders that have timestamps. I also love it because I only need to fill it up once, so it’s easy to keep track of my daily progress. I purchased the black one for my boyfriend, got a purple and orange one for my cousin in Antigua, and a few of you have purchased some too. Keep sending me pics and tagging me @WellwithBrielle on Instagram. I love seeing you with your water bottles and it’s extra fun to see what colors you choose! Mine is pink and pictured here :)

Get Quality Sleep

Quality sleep means enough hours of sleep and also feeling well-rested after. Getting enough quality sleep is crucial. 

Your body needs sleep to regenerate and recharge. Also when you sleep well, you typically look better and feel better too.

Depending on your level of physical activity, schedule, and overall lifestyle, you may want to take occasional naps throughout the week or build in time for rest.

I love a good nap. It’s recommended that naps last no longer than 20 minutes, although I know I’m often guilty of napping longer. 

Longer naps may leave you feeling groggy or more tired.  

Additionally, longer naps tend to cut into your sleeping time at night, thus interrupting your natural sleep schedule. This could then lead to you feeling tired during the day and ultimately developing a less than ideal sleep schedule. 

Rest is productive.

Treasure your sleep and rest when you need it. Your body and overall health will thank you for treating it with care. Lastly, who doesn’t love quality sleep?

Are you struggling to get a good night’s rest? Leave a comment and let me know if healthy sleep tips would be helpful!

Those are my tips for improving your physical wellness including improving your appearance. 

Save this blog post for when you need ideas or want to revisit your self care routine.

How do you like to enhance your physical appearance and improve your physical wellness?

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